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contoh kalimat spot on

"spot on" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • Those spots on her back look like wings.
    Bintik yang ada di punggungnya terlihat seperti sayap.
  • I found another brown spot on my shoulder.
    Aku menemukan totol coklat yang lain di bahuku.
  • She had this spot on her neck right here.
    Titik rangsangnya ada di leher sebelah sini.
  • Did you see the bare spot on that dude's head?
    Apa kalian lihat pitak di kepalanya?
  • We have a nice spot on the draw.
    Kita akan mendapatkan posisi yang baik di sana.
  • The lies, your arrogance, that black spot on your soul.
    Kebohongan-kebohongan, arogansimu, Ttitik hitam dalam jiwamu.
  • Find a secluded spot on the dock, have a picnic
    Mencari tempat tersembunyi di dermaga, piknik
  • The only remaining spot on planet with no Boov is Antarctica.
    Satu-satunyatempattersisadiplanet tanpa Boov adalah Antartika.
  • And the due date is gonna be spot on.
    Dan perkiraan hari persalinan akan menjadi tepat.
  • Well, Ferry offered me a spot on their team.
    Nah, Ferry menawarkan tempat di tim mereka.
  • This year, we've got an open spot on varsity.
    Tahun ini ada posisi sebagai pemain utama.
  • You know any good spots on the West Side?
    kau tahu tempat yang bagus di West Side?
  • Cover up the gravy spot on your shirt.
    Ini akan menutup noda kuah di bajumu.
  • Don't forget, the spots on the dog went away.
    Jangan lupa, bintik pada anjing menghilang.
  • How would you like a spot on the football team?
    Kau ingin bergabung di tim sepak bola?
  • He worked so hard to win his spot on the National team
    Sangat sulit mendapatkan posisi nasional.
  • Like these black spots on his fingertips.
    Seperti bintik - bintik hitam di ujung jari.
  • That is literally the most secure spot on the mountain.
    Itu titik paling "aman" di gunung tersebut.
  • Your observations about the shooter were spot on, Miss West.
    Pengamatanmu tentang penembak itu benar, Nona West.
  • These were spotted on radar by U.S. ships.
    Mereka berhasil tertangkap oleh radar kapal AS.
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